Friday, November 28, 2008

Friday night bullshit

I'm bored.  I want to write, but I can't think of anything to write.  Tuesday night I stayed up to 5am getting my wireless home net up and my laptop accessing it.  I get so consumed when I'm fuckin around with technology.  Whether I'm looking shit up and get lost in a web of research on whatever is sparking my interest, or playing with my various machines and/or gadgets.  My next process is to get an Eye-Fi card and get my pda to use my wireless net to access the internet.
  So far I am enjoying my new LG Dare.  However, I'm dreaming of the day Verizon puts out a Google phone as I refuse to move to TMobile for their Google phone. 
  I'm tired of being poor.  There's too much cool shit I want to be this fucking poor.  It sucks.  whatever, I wish I had someone here to abuse.