Friday, December 5, 2008

so we have now been

so we have now been a day and a half without our computefs at work. our lovely and brilliant ceo downloaded a fuckin virus

Friday, November 28, 2008

Friday night bullshit

I'm bored.  I want to write, but I can't think of anything to write.  Tuesday night I stayed up to 5am getting my wireless home net up and my laptop accessing it.  I get so consumed when I'm fuckin around with technology.  Whether I'm looking shit up and get lost in a web of research on whatever is sparking my interest, or playing with my various machines and/or gadgets.  My next process is to get an Eye-Fi card and get my pda to use my wireless net to access the internet.
  So far I am enjoying my new LG Dare.  However, I'm dreaming of the day Verizon puts out a Google phone as I refuse to move to TMobile for their Google phone. 
  I'm tired of being poor.  There's too much cool shit I want to be this fucking poor.  It sucks.  whatever, I wish I had someone here to abuse.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

This message was sent using the Picture and Video Messaging service from Verizon Wireless!

To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit

To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime® 6.5 or higher is required. Visit to download the free player or upgrade your existing QuickTime® Player. Note: During the download process when asked to choose an installation type (Minimum, Recommended or Custom), select Minimum for faster download.



Monday, October 27, 2008

This message was sent using the Picture and Video Messaging service from Verizon Wireless!

To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit

To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime® 6.5 or higher is required. Visit to download the free player or upgrade your existing QuickTime® Player. Note: During the download process when asked to choose an installation type (Minimum, Recommended or Custom), select Minimum for faster download.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Putin's Bday present

Russian president Putin got a tiger cub for his birthday. I FUCKING HOPE IT EATS HIM!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Moving again

Well, I'll be moving into my new house this next Saturday, Sept. 13. Last Saturday, 9/6, me, my mother, sister, and neice began the task of cleaning the house. I spent 2 hours cleaning the stove - which is the original stove installed in April of 1973. Not too bad, bit greasy here and there.

Hopefully, I won't have to move again for a VERY LONG TIME!

PS - Every muthafuckin utility company here requires over $100 deposit or NO SERVICE! Can you believe that shit?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tropical Storm Fay

Really? What a joke! Hell, we didn't even get rain. OOOOO, 70 mile an hour winds. OOOO, 8 inches of rain. OOOOO, quick we have to evacuate the flood plain. What the fuck ever! No rain!!! No wind!!! Fuck the flood plain. I'm pissed. I wanted rain, crazy rain, like babies floating away down the street. BUT NO!!! I get NOTHING!!! Let me tell you how excited I'll be about the next Tropical Storm.

Storm Shmorm!

Monday, July 28, 2008

F'ing Monday!

Well, I got 2/3 of my sister's yard mowed yesterday during a torrential downpour, before deciding I'd rather not get electrocuted running her electric lawn mower over the large puddles in the yard. So much for that.

It has been suggested to me to start Shane Van Veghel's fan site for Muthafucka's. I'm currently deciding what the actual contect would be for this site. If you have any ideas, let me know.

What else . . . I hate Monday's. Then again, I hate working. Years of human evolution and progress and we still have this society based on money and working your life away. What the hell? Why the hell haven't we progressed beyond this type of society yet? Have to work all day and for what? To hope we can afford to quit working at some point.

Monday, June 23, 2008

George Carlin

George Carlin died yesterday of heart failure.

The world just got a little darker.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Silly actresses

Can someone please tell me why second rate actresses think they act? For instance, Katie fucking Holmes. Second rate actress. A listed due to marriage to another second rate actor who just happens to (or use to) bring in big bucks. Granted, Mr. Scientology nutcase Cruise gave a really good performance in Magnolia, then again, how hard is it to play ANGERY, SEXIST PIG who craves daddy's love???? He is a guy isn't he??? I really don't see how hard it can be for a fucked up nit to play a fucked up nit. But that's just me. Anyway, back to Katie Holmes on Broadway. WHAT??? Has american theater taken such a dump that Katie fucking Holmes is the best it can do? This is obviously some producers way to get into cash real fast. Not by putting on a fabulous piece with high quality thesbians, NO, by putting on who gives a shit with a psycho a people will pay to see because she's a PSYCHO married to an even BIGGER PSYCHO!!!!

I can't fucking take this shit anymore!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I am empoyed

So cool. They offered me the job once the second interview was done. Totally cool! They also want me to start tomorrow. So I said yes. Great benefits! health ins. totally paid for by them unless I want to upgrade it a little. Same with the dental. 401k match, etc. Really great.

I'm totally getting a verizon voyager. The guy at the verizon store actually let me play with his. He let me surf the net and stuff. real nice guy. Can't upgrade my phone until July, but he'll get my biz if he's still there.

Hope I can catch onto this job REALLY fast. Next to no training I was told. So I'll be asking tons of questions for awhile. went researching BOLI and COLI and ppli and all kinds of other life insurance offerings for execs/key personel. Got good intro and emailed lots of info to myself so that I can have it as easy reference at work.

Now, of course, I've managed to ditch the coupon counting as I was bitching about other people doing it yesterday. OY! Well, at least I know I quit cuz I actually did get a job! Nah nah!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Monday night

well, I have a second interview tomorrow. I'll be meeting with the wife of the person I'd be working for. That's a new one for me, but understandable as I'd be working a lot with her if I got the job. Thanks to everyone who said wondeful things about me! And thank you to those who have been thinking good thoughts for me! I love you all almost as much as I love myself (heehee)!

I don't think I have any rants today (sorry JD). I'm home alone, my family went off to St. Augustine and I stayed here to be responsible and make money counting coupons for OSI. Ok, I do have a slight rant. I've been counting these coupons for going on 4 weeks now. Last week those running this project finally got 3 other temps to come in and help me. This week only 1 of them came back. They had to get two new people to come in today. I'm thinking I understand this isn't the most excite job, nor does it require great thinking abilities. However, you said you would come in and do the job. You do it until the job is done. Now, I understand if you got a perm job somewhere. But, given the market down here in Tampa right now, I highly doubt the two ladies who didn't come back this week got perm jobs last week. Granted, I could be wrong. If you sign on for a job, you stay until you finish it ya sad ass biatches! You aren't going to get anywhere in life walking away from your responsibilities. But, what do I know?

The younger generation is so fast fashion and instant grat, I truly do fear for the future. Freaks!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

My life as a receptionist

Answering phones is not my idea of a great time. Nor is stuffing envelopes, nor labeling - especially when the client uses cheap toner and cheap labels. The information keeps rubbing off the labels, which makes it difficult to place them as you can hardly touch them!

Also, I want the new Verizon Voyager cellphone and a JOB!!!!

Friday, February 29, 2008

From Engadget: Army orders 24 new sentry-bots

Army orders 24 new sentry-bots, Judgment Day moved up two months
Posted Feb 29th 2008 2:09AM by Joshua Topolsky

Filed under: Robots

Sure, you laughed yesterday when you heard professor Noel Sharkey warn against the impending, apocalyptic man vs. machine battle that was to come, but this news may have you singing a different tune. A pilot program in Nevada which employed robotic sentries to patrol Hawthorne Army Depot is getting an upgrade: 24 brand new drones called MDARS, or "Mobile Detection and Assessment and Response System." The $40 million purchase will nab the Army diesel-powered robots which operate at speeds up to 20 MPH, use RFID tags to keep track of locks and barriers, and can run for 16 hours without refueling. Though the bots have been tested with automatic weapons, these new versions will be equipped with non-lethal armaments, thus making them considerably less deadly when Skynet goes online.

[Via Wired]

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The End is Nigh

Well, according to the BVM (Blessed Virgin Mary), WWIII will start in 2010 with a nuclear bomb going off in New York. It will last until 2017/2018.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Lighted vs. Lit

Would someone please tell me when it became correct to use the word lighted instead of the word lit as the past tense of "to light"? She lighted the candle. She lit the candle. What the fuck??? Are we just throwing correct english completely out the window, and why?? Lighted doesn't even SOUND correct. Not the correct grammer usage always sounds correct, mind you. But come on.

Below is what has under the word "light" on the subject:

to give light to; furnish with light or illumination: The room is lighted by two large chandeliers.
to make (an area or object) bright with or as if with light (often fol. by up): Hundreds of candles lighted up the ballroom.
to cause (the face, surroundings, etc.) to brighten, esp. with joy, animation, or the like (often fol. by up): A smile lit up her face. Her presence lighted up the room.

He lighted up his fart. Just doesn't sound as good!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

LOST Season Premier

1. When I saw that car in the high speed chase at the very beginning, all I could think was - what the fuck is this, Starsky and Hutch???

2. Isn't it time to cut and wash Hugo's hair and jowels?

3. Why isn't future Jack using google earth to find that fucking island? Hell, why isn't Penny???

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Saturday, January 19, 2008


Someone want to tell me why its always so fucking hot in Walmart? Every time I walk in their they have the muther fucking HEAt on. People, this is fucking Florida, the heat DOES NOT need to be on!!!! I was in there today and thought I was gonna DIE. by the time I was done I was so fucking sweaty my damn shirt was all wet, my hair was wet, and I was shakey and couldn't breathe. What the Fuck??? Are you trying to get me out of your stupid store faster? Do you really not want me to stay and spend more money you fucking assholes? No, you want to have to call me a damn ambulance to come and get me when FUCKING PASS OUT from heat exhaustion in the motherfuckin electronics aisle. You fucking SUCK!!!!

Perhaps this explains why my sister always has to take a shit whenever she goes to Walmart.

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Friday, January 18, 2008

lazy week

Well, its been a lazy week. Headaches and headcolds. Didn't feel so great so I slept most of the time. The temp job at Gerdau ended on Monday. Now I'm trying to dredge up more temp work. We'll see what happens. Will have to hit it hard next week as I did nothing but sleep this week.

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Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Circus

Mixed feelings about the circus, but it was fun. Ryleigh seemed to enjoy it. It was shorter than I expected. And the clowns weren't too bad! Ringmaster had a great deep voice and was a good singer. The animals were great, of course! I really did like the animal acts and kept waiting for the Tigers to band together and mutiny against their trainer. The acrobats were all amazing. So much control over their muscles, truly incredible.