Monday, July 28, 2008

F'ing Monday!

Well, I got 2/3 of my sister's yard mowed yesterday during a torrential downpour, before deciding I'd rather not get electrocuted running her electric lawn mower over the large puddles in the yard. So much for that.

It has been suggested to me to start Shane Van Veghel's fan site for Muthafucka's. I'm currently deciding what the actual contect would be for this site. If you have any ideas, let me know.

What else . . . I hate Monday's. Then again, I hate working. Years of human evolution and progress and we still have this society based on money and working your life away. What the hell? Why the hell haven't we progressed beyond this type of society yet? Have to work all day and for what? To hope we can afford to quit working at some point.